Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Food Inc

·         Everything you buy at the supermarket is one vote for that company and it’s values/traditions. Organic vs not. Locally grown vs imported.
·         The farmers are forced to kneel to the companies that do genetic engineering to seeds because of patent laws.
·         These huge companies like Monsanto have the government officials who are supposed to be regulating them in their pocket because the officials used to be on their payroll.
·         Consumers do have the power to change the system. The industry needs profit – it will change or be forced to change to meet demands.
·         These companies don’t genuinely care about the consumer or the consumer’s well beings – they just want their profit and will go to any extreme to get it.
·         The system will collapse. The industry is too reliant on petroleum, a constantly depleting resource, to perform its functions.
Movie offered that the book didn’t
·         FFN offered more what happened behind the closed doors of the slaughterhouses and shows the corruption of the companies at a different kind of surface value. Food Inc showed that there is also corruption weighing heavily in the farms. Though the farmers don’t want to use patent seeds, the best advice one farmer could offer another was to just, “Roll over. Don’t fight them, just do what they say.”
·         FFN also showed that not every person in the fast food industry was a bad guy. (Little Cesears) Food Inc didn’t quite give that portrayal at all.

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